Sunday, March 14, 2010

Who is the world's king ?

No one. I thought everybody knew that.
Who is the world's king ?
Who is the world's king ?
Reply:Me of course... or is it Jimmy Buffet?
Reply:No one. There is no such thing

god is NOT king. he is NOT an actual, living person.
Reply:Depends on what you mean by "king." But notably, Harold Lindsell says that Satan may be the Prince of this world. And according to, a prince may be a king or the son or grandson of king.

Based on these sources, my answer is that the world's king is either Satan, Satan's father or his grandfather.
Reply:God, if you had to name one, that's the only answer.
Reply:A king rules only one country. An Emperor rules several countries. But no one rules the entire world. I'm assuming you are speaking of corporeal kings, and not using that metaphor for a supreme being?

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