Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What Supreme Court cases showed the power of judicial review?

I'm not asking for the most influential cases, such as Roe vs. Wade, etc., but I'm asking for court cases that showed that the Court did make up part of the federal government. I'm saying that these cases probably went against what Congress and the president wanted at that time, but the Supreme Court made that decision anyway.

What 3 cases proved that the Supreme Court was just an important a part of the federal goverment as Congress/President?
What Supreme Court cases showed the power of judicial review?
I think Roe V. wade would be on that list Tinker v Iowa and Brown v Board of education this list just personal for me
What Supreme Court cases showed the power of judicial review?
NO!!! don't believe them. The most important case is Marbury v. Madison way back in the early 1800s. This is THE case dealing with the idea of Judicial Review. There are others that expanded the power of the Court, such as McCullough v. Maryland, but the first one is the key. Start there.

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