Saturday, October 24, 2009

Why did "Alexander The Great" stop his conquest in India?

His remaining Greeks and Macedonians wanted to go home. They were all fabulously wealthy, and wanted to go West and enjoy it.
Why did "Alexander The Great" stop his conquest in India?
He was seriously injured in battle. His own men didn't think he was going to make it. His own men were tired of fighting and traveling and wanted to go home. He needed their support. That's why he stopped.
Why did "Alexander The Great" stop his conquest in India?
His armies were basically tired of fighting seemingly endless numbers of Indians and were homesick.
Reply:Simply put, he got beat.
Reply:His troops had been away from home for a long time, and were very tired of the campaign by then. Plus, most of them believed that the literal 'edge/end of the world' was just a few miles past where they were, so it would have served no purpose to go any further. Why they didn't bother to ask the people of India if that was true (and they would have been told of what is present day China...a huge swath of land yet to go before hitting the Pacific) well, they weren't terribly interested in what a conquered people had to say

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