Saturday, October 24, 2009

Name for law-making body in england; French-indian war... HISTORY HELP!!!?


name of the law making body in england

Three results of the french-indian war: england took___, england was___($), and americans were rpoud to be british

General in charch of the continental army during revolutionary war

What battle was the turning point of the war for independance

americans gained there ___ in the ___ ___ ___ that ended the revolutionary war

what is a tax on imports, sometimes meant to help US businesses

Who did the US fight in the war of 1812

The idea that the US should spread "from sea to shining sea"

the two territories that the US took from mexico after the mexican war

what event caused the first southern states to succed from the union

who did the confederate states of america elect as their president

lincoln waited for a victory at antietem before he freed the slaves by signing the ___ ___

Name for law-making body in england; French-indian war... HISTORY HELP!!!?
The lawmaking body in England is called Parliament

Second one I'm not sure I understand, Britain took Canada, and control of the fur trade.

The commander of the Continental army was George Washington

Saratoga was a turning point, convincing France that we were "in it to win it".

Taxing imported goods, produces revenue for the US government, by taxing any manufactured item brought in from overseas, but helps business because US manufacturers can sell their goods for less than those imported.

The War of 1812 was between the US and Great Britain

Manifest Destiny fits into the principle that the US should spread from sea to shining sea.

We took California and New Mexico from Mexico after the war, these included California, most of Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico and Utah.

The election of Abraham Lincoln as President of the United States in November 1860 prompted 11 states to secede from the Union, beginning with South Carolina in December of that year.

The President of the Confederate States of America was Jefferson Davis, former Senator from Mississippi and former Secretary of War.

The document signed after Antietam was the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed any slave who lived anywhere where that state or a part of that state was in rebellion against the US as of January 1, 1863, but it would take the Union army to make that freedom happen.

flowers anniversary

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