Sunday, October 11, 2009


What are 5 problems that farmers faced in ANCIENT Japan?


thanks a million =)
1) arable land. A good chunk of Japan is too mountainous for cultivation.

2) War. Constant warfare made growing crops a rough proposition. Japanese history has seen a lot more warfare than peace.

3) Taxes. Even if left to grow their crops in peace, farmers were on the low end of the social scale, and subject to heavy taxation. This is doubly so since a large business./middle class would not come about until after the Tokugawa shogunate.

4) The normal hazards any farmer has to face. Weather/climate, drought, too much rain at the wrong time....

5) related to #1, Fertility of the soil. Japan has/had a few good growing regions, and these areas would be the focus of many battles and wars. But outside of this, much of the available land is not overly productive, and the japanese had work hard to find ways to fertilize, irrigate, and otherwise maintain the soil's productivity. All of which means more work.

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