Saturday, October 24, 2009

What were some of the scientific advancements in Elizabethan times?

What were of the scientific advancements in Elizabethan times (Shakespears's time) or roughly around the 15th-16th. I already know about DaVinci, Nicolaus Copernicus and Johannes Gutenberg . What else could I touch on.
What were some of the scientific advancements in Elizabethan times?
Not really scientific but they learned to keep their jackets out of puddles. It's more manly to heft the girl up and carry her, and you get a quick fumble at the same time..............
What were some of the scientific advancements in Elizabethan times?
scientific method, gravity, ecocentric model, advancement of gov't, Shakespeare himself, development of the telescope, electricity, stuff like that. Give these a try.

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