Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Manifest Destiny influenced the reasons for war with Canada or Mexico?

Both. The mexican american war 1846 gave the southweest to the US the was of 1812 was before manifest destiny. However, one campaign slogan during the time period was "54 40 or fight" refering to the latitude between the US and Canada. The US was very willing at the time to go to war with canada and england again if we could not get the border agreed to. That is why our northern border runs along that latitude.
The Manifest Destiny influenced the reasons for war with Canada or Mexico?
yes because of the theory of manifest destiny we believed we deserved all of n America so e invaded Canada and Mexican territory most of e time successful with Mexico however with Canada we failed because of their sentinels and snipers. So yes manifest destiny had a lot to do with the invasion of Canada and Mexico.

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