Friday, November 6, 2009

STOLEN GENERATION........ please help?

what happened to the kids who were taken away, and how long were they taken away before they could reunite with their parents ... if they ever could?
STOLEN GENERATION........ please help?
Please elaborate..
STOLEN GENERATION........ please help?
Where were they taken away from?
Reply:In the case of the stolen generation in Australia .. they were first of all put into special 'schools' then farmed out as cheap labour usually as servants or farmworkers. In the case of sisters or brothers and sisters they were often separated too from each other. For the majority of the children , even after they had become adults, they had no way of contacting their parents again. The results were traumatic for both the parents and the children.

The 1997 'Stolen Children' report otherwise called the Report of the National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from Their Families. Learning about the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children and their families

gives the details of why and how it happened and the pretty dreadful results

There has been heated debate between different interest groups about the report - but just after the last election in Australia the first speech that the Prime Minister made in Parliament was the 'Sorry' speech, It was supported too by the Leader of the opposition.

People all around the country got into groups to watch it together - many opened their homes to indigenous peoples from the remote communities so that they could come to Canberra and be together outside of parliament and celebrate together.

Now comes the hard work of how to make good, in a practical way, the evils that were done.

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