Friday, November 6, 2009

Have you ever thought that way?

I was reading a poem by Robert Frost called The Road Not Taken, and I began wondering about why do we have to read, study and spend time reading others discoveries and how they view the world instead of building our own discoveries from our perspectives, that way we could lead instead of follow? I am just wondering about how did education really start, there were no books or assigned reading to discover something. The first human beings to start this basically thought out everything without books or school.

I am not taking these facts at face value and sometimes I feel like I am taking there information and they are implementing there ideas on me while I have to disregard mines or in other words I feel "brainwashed" just reading their ideas? It is getting to my head and hurting my motivation studying. I would also like to know how did the people who started science and education come to their conclusion when there was no books back then?

Thank you in advance!


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