Friday, November 6, 2009

Civil War Homework Help Please!!?

1. How did the war goals of the Union and Confederacy differ?

2.What factors contributed to the spread of disease among Civil War soldiers?

3.Why did General Lee go on the offensive against the North?

please give your answer with the corresponding number please help thank you so much
Civil War Homework Help Please!!?
1: The Feds needed to compel the south to rejoin the Union; the South needed to show the North it wasn't worth the effort and to let them leave the union permanently.

2: Poor diet (hard tack, bully beef) and limited access to good drinking water-the first weakens the resistance to diease, the second is a major source of infection-dysentry, typhoid, parasites etc.

Cramped living conditions in tents, often exposed to the elements and with poor hygiene.

Limited understanding of infectious diseases and almost no antibiotics meaning the doctors didn't know wht the diseases happened or how to stop them.

3: If Lee could force another humiliating defeat on the North he thought they would start a dialogue for ending the war. He also thought Maryland, which had slaves, might be induced to defect to the Confederacy. He hoped to secure lots of materials like boots and ammunition, and it is easier to feed your army off captured and looted food in enemy teriitory than it is to make your own people provide food for them. It has the added bonus of devestaing the enemy countryside too. Finally, Britain and France might be induced to recognise the Confereacy as a nation rather than as rebels.
Civil War Homework Help Please!!?
1) Really the overall goal of the Union was to preserve the Union. The goal of the Confederacy was to achieve (or maintain) independence from the North.

2) Many Civil War soldiers came from farms and small towns where they had not been exposed to many diseases. When they got around other soldiers, and went through cities, disease spread rapidly.

3) Lee's offensives (plural) into the North had a few reasons. The biggest was to take the pressure off of the Southern countryside, especially during the harvest. Also, he believed a decisive victory on Northern soil would reduce the Union's desire to keep fighting. However, the battle of Antietam, in Maryland, was basically a draw (although McClellan called it a Union victory) and Gettysburg, in Pennsylvania, was a decisive Union victory and a major turning point in the war in the Eastern theater.
Reply:1. The war goals were mostly slavery... south wanted it and the north did not. But the south believed they would be unable to function without it, like if someone said we were to go without electricity.


CAMP FEVER: This term was used for all of the continuing fevers experienced by the army: Typhoid Fever, Malarial Remittent Fever, and Typho-malarial Fever. The last named is a combination of elements from the first two diseases. This combination, Typho-malarial Fever, was the characteristic "camp fever" during the Civil War. Symptoms included: a pronounced chill followed by an intermittent fever, abdominal tenderness and nausea, general debility, diarrhea, retention of urine, and furring of the tongue.

TUBERCULOSIS: Infectious disease causing tubercles in the lungs, characterized by fever, weakness, and emaciation.

more here:

3. Lee privately ridiculed the Confederacy in letters in early 1861, denouncing secession as "revolution" and a betrayal of the efforts of the Founders. The commanding general of the Union army, Winfield Scott, told Lincoln he wanted Lee for a top command. Lee said he was willing as long as Virginia remained in the Union. Lee was asked by one of his lieutenants if he intended to fight for the Confederacy or the Union, to which he replied, "I shall never bear arms against the Union, but it may be necessary for me to carry a musket in the defense of my native state, Virginia, in which case I shall not prove recreant to my duty."[23] After Lincoln's call for troops to put down the rebellion, it was obvious that Virginia would quickly secede and so Lee turned down the offer on April 18, resigned from the U.S. Army on April 20, and took up command of the Virginia state forces on April 23.
Reply:1. The Confederacy wanted to leave the nation, and to hell with the rest of the bunch. The Union wanted them to stay, which to make them stay, necessitated marching down there and forcing them to stay under the entire USA's rulership

2. Lack of proper hygine, lack of privies, lack of clean drinking water, close quarters allowing easier spread of disease, espcially lice and mice born disease, general exposure to cold weather making men's immune systems vulnerable

3. The best defence is a good offence. Sometimes you have to go up and smash the enemy where he lives to keep him from coming down and smashing you where you live.

For extra credit, write on your paper "The north would have kicked the south's butt in a quarter of the time had the Union Army been issued Abraham Lincoln's favorite gun, the Spencer Rifle, which held 7 shots that could be fired with the flick of a wrist, and would have been devestating vs the Confederate Traitors using their slow muzzle loaders, but the Generals were a bunch of worry-warts and had no vision, so the Union stuck with their muzzle loaders too

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